When our teams select innovative, high-quality, and superior ingredients from around the world, they choose renewable-sourced ingredients to reduce their environmental impact and preserve the well-being of communities. All G.M. COLLIN products are produced and manufactured locally, which greatly reduces our carbon footprint.

At G.M. COLLIN, none of our final products or ingredients are tested on animals, and they never will be.



Our product boxes are made with paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), which ensures that paper is made from wood that originates from forests that are managed responsibly. We have also recently reduced the weight of our packaging by using light-weight materials, optimizing structural and material design and eliminating unnecessary packaging.



G.M. COLLIN is committed to making its mark by collaborating with organizations that support the fight against breast cancer. Every year, for each Ceramide Comfort Serum or Native Collagen Gel sold in October, G.M. COLLIN pledges to donate to the CURE Foundation. This campaign is dedicated to helping increase awareness of the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women and the most common cancer among Canadian women (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers).

Since 1997, the CURE Foundation has been driving the fight against breast cancer by investing in programs for prevention and early detection, improving treatment and supporting patients and their families.



In many countries around the world, women's rights are still violated. In all of its actions, Mission Inclusion promotes gender equality and the essential role of women as agents of change. With its partners, it stands for the protection, emancipation, and economic and social integration of women.

G.M. COLLIN is committed to being socially and environmentally responsible by donating to this foundation.



G.M. COLLIN is committed to making its mark by collaborating with organisations fighting breast cancer every year. For each Daily Ceramide Comfort or Native Collagen Gel every year in October, G.M. COLLIN pledges to donate to the CURE Foundation. This campaign is dedicated to help increase awareness of the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women and the most common cancer among Canadian women (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers).

Since 1997, the CURE Foundation has been powering the fight against breast cancer by investing in programs for prevention and early detection, improving treatment and supporting patients and their families.








When our teams select innovative, high-quality, and superior ingredients from around the world, they choose renewable-sourced ingredients to reduce their environmental impact and preserve the well-being of communities. All G.M. COLLIN products are produced and manufactured locally, which greatly reduces our carbon footprint.

At G.M. COLLIN, none of our final products or ingredients are tested on animals, and they never will be.



Our product boxes are made with paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), which ensures that paper is made from wood that originates from forests that are managed responsibly. We have also recently reduced the weight of our packaging by using light-weight materials, optimizing structural and material design and eliminating unnecessary packaging.



G.M. COLLIN is committed to making its mark by collaborating with organizations that support the fight against breast cancer. Every year, for each Ceramide Comfort Serum or Native Collagen Gel sold in October, G.M. COLLIN pledges to donate to the CURE Foundation. This campaign is dedicated to helping increase awareness of the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women and the most common cancer among Canadian women (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers).

Since 1997, the CURE Foundation has been driving the fight against breast cancer by investing in programs for prevention and early detection, improving treatment and supporting patients and their families.



In many countries around the world, women's rights are still violated. In all of its actions, Mission Inclusion promotes gender equality and the essential role of women as agents of change. With its partners, it stands for the protection, emancipation, and economic and social integration of women.

G.M. COLLIN is committed to being socially and environmentally responsible by donating to this foundation.